Friday, June 10, 2016

Follow Your Promptings.....

This week my companion and I had a wonderful experience. We met a man on a train back from Warsaw about three or so weeks ago, we talked briefly and found out that he had had contact and even lessons with the missionaries from about 10 years ago. He was excited to see us, and he wanted to meet with us to be taught once again, so we exchanged information and began trying to set up a meeting with him. We got one set-up, but he didn't come to it unfortunately, but we kept trying and got one set-up in his town which is about an hour away from Lublin. We got there and met with him. We had just planned on reviewing what he had learned, figuring out what he remembered, then filling in the gaps the best we could, but as we sat down I felt I really needed to gear the entire conversation towards baptism, and then invite him to do so. So we did so, at the end we shared 2 Nephi 31: 9-12, testified of the restoration, then invited him to be baptized, and he accepted, it was the most peaceful feeling as he said yes, and now he is on his way to baptism. I know that thought was from the Spirit, who knows this man better than I do, and needed me to guide the conversation to teach him what he needed to hear. Follow your promptings, follow your thoughts, if you are living the restored gospel, they will guide you to do what you need to do, and you can be sure of that.

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