Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I Was The Current Bush.......


hey momma,
im glad that you were able to translate my testimony haha, i love writing and speaking in my language, but i am keeping my journal in english so you can read it when i get home, just a little gift for you from me. i am worried a little bit about it, but not too bad, all i have to do is listen and open my mouth and practice practice practice and i'll understand them eventually. we have meetings with members in poland every wednesday for 40 minutes, so i kinda already know what i am getting into with the speed that they speak and how they speak.  thank you so much for sending shirts, as of right now i do not have them, but thank you so much, it is way too hot here to wear long sleeves ever, and it will be hot in poland too, its been like 85-90 every day in poland for the last month, so i will be in hot weather. im glad that you are working on listening to the spirit, im trying to work on that too haha, and its getting easier the more i do it, during lessons and prayers and even class i will just have a bang! in my head, and all i can think about is what i am supposed to say next, or a question that i need to ask. its amazing how the spirit talks to us through our thoughts and feelings, but it is so awesome when you know that it comes from the spirit.  i am doing great, i am still learning in the language, and we are at the point right now where our teachers can teach us concepts in like 5 minutes, we understand them, and then we practice and get the hang of them, its so cool. its amazing when you start learning something how slow you go, and then when you have a good foundation, your learning increases exponentially because things make connections all over and all you can say is, that makes sense. all polish has taught me so far is how weird english is haha, i have no idea what was happening, the english speakers at the tower of babel must have been extremely wicked, because we got a weird, nonsensical language, but polish makes sense. so this week i guess that i have learned that this MTC is really a special place, my comprehension of the scriptures is sky-rocketing, i was reading in alma 40-50, where captain moroni gets introduced and so does amalickiah, and i loved what the scriptures said about what captain moroni did. he constantly fortified cities and sent out spies to watch the lamanites, so when they came, their defenses were so strong and they were so ready that the lamanites were like, oh crap, what do we do now? and we can liken that to ourselves by replacing the lamanites with satan, and captain moroni with ourselves, we must be vigilant, and be aware of satans tricks, then once we know them, fortify our souls accordingly, so when he comes, we will have the power to destroy him and drive him back into the darkness that he came from, never to tempt us again. and i know that if we do that, and we put on the proper armor, that satan will have no chance against us. i love the scriptures so much, every chapter i read brings me peace, and i always learn something new. be safe and keep having fun in your lives, and ill be home soon.
elder summers

hey dad,
that is one of the coolest stories that i have ever heard, and i think that it is 100% true what you said. i know that animals can feel the spirit, they have to be able to, because they were created by heavenly father and sent here just like us, i think thats one reason why smitty is so excited for prayer, because he feels the spirit and it makes him so happy. the cliffhanger that you left me during my last e-mail was well worth it. as for me here, life is good, but cabin fever is getting to be real, ive been here too long and i want to leave and have my real work start. we get our travel plans tomorrow, so next time ill tell you where i will be flying, and then my next e-mail will be from some internet cafe or library in some city somewhere in poland with my trainer, IM SO EXCITED!!!! one cool thing that we have been able to do hear is skype with members in poland, we get to do it once a week for 40 minutes, so i kinda already know how fast they speak and what it sounds like, when they talk full speed i can understand about every 10th word, and i usually know the idea of what they are talking about, just not the details, and it is so cool, it used to scare me like in week 2 or 3, and after i would hear a polish speaker i would feel so low and i would think that i haven't learned anything at all. but then my companion told me the parable of the current bush from hugh b. brown, it is about a farmer that sees a massive current bush with no fruit, so he cuts in down drastically, then after that he sees drops of water at the end of the stumps, like the bush was saying how could you do this to me? i was making such wonderful growth and you've cut me down. then the farmer says look little current bush, i am the gardener here, and i know what i want you to be, i dont want you to be a shade tree, i want you to be a current bush, and one day when you are laden with fruit you will say, thank you gardener, for cutting me down, for loving me enough to hurt me. and when i heard that i teared up, and wept, because i was the current bush. i had been cut down drastically, i had failed, but i was okay, because the lord knows what we are to become, and he loves us enough to hurt us, so since then, i am glad to be "current bushed", to be cut down and made to restart, because i know i will grow back in the way that heavenly father wants me to grow, and i will be what he wants me to be. anyway thats just something that i learned here, that the lord loves us enough to hurt us, but it is always for our benefit, he will never do anything to hurt us. keep doing what you are doing dad, and just know that i am proud to be your son.
elder summers

Without Christ's Example......

hi momma,
it is amazing knowing that i have so many friends here, it feels so good, because at home, even though i had you and maddie, i still felt alone at school, and in my life i felt pretty alone, but day one here i felt so good, all of the elders in my district are amazing righteous men that i consider my best friends, and it has helped me a lot, and helped my confidence a lot. it truly is amazing what heavenly father does, i dont think he puts much thought into it, considering he knows everything, but im glad all we have to worry about is following his beloved son jesus christ. and that is something that this week i have really tried to do, we have 3 hours of study a day, 1 hour for personal, companion, and language study, and i love it so much. but this week i have really been studying in chapter six of preach my gospel, which is Christlike Attributes, and it has opened my eyes. Christ was so amazing, and we can never live up to him, but that wasn't the purpose of his life. ive been thinking about that as well, and i thought that christ didn't have to preach, all he needed to do was establish a church and perform the atonement, but he had his 3 year earthly ministry for a reason, to give us an example. without christ's example we wouldnt know how to live, how to pray, how to teach, how to bless the sacrament, how to administer the priesthood, we wouldn't know how to do anything, and that's why he did what he did, so we could follow him. so why wouldn't we? so ive been studying christlike attributes to find out how to follow him and become more like him, and all is boils down to is just forgetting about yourself and serving, offering thanks to god at all times for everything, and not complaining. its that simple, if we do those things, our lives fall into place immediately, and we will be blessed, so i have made goals to stop being negative, and to serve in every opportunity i can, and i know that if i do that i will be blessed and helped through my mission. so my plaque scripture i would like to be Alma 7:23-25. and i cant wait to be able to really speak polish haha, i am improving slowly and it is coming, and i know i will learn it, because i have the lord on my side, so i cant fail.  other than that ill leave you with my testimony: wiem że modlitwa jest nieźbędnym działaniem dla nasze zbawienie, poprzez modlitwa możemy utrzymywać milośćą boga, wiem że modlitwa jest bardso ważnym, kocham modlitwa bo modlitwa przynosił dobry czuć i dobry doświadczenie do moje życie, ja nie zobaczę bog, ale poprzez modlitwa i duch swięte wiem że bog i jezus chrystus jest zycienie. I probably spelled things wrong so good luck haha. love,elder summers

hey dad,
its good to know that life hasn't changed for you at all haha, im glad to see that you are still fishing and having fun and catching big fish.  my week was good, it will always be good when i am in the service of my fellow beings, and i love this work so much, i've never been happier than i am right now, it feels amazing to have the spirit with me so often, it has truly transformed me. this week our two devotionals were by stephen b allen, and elder groberg, both of which are very powerful men. i learned from the spirit of stephen b allen's address that when we truly love this gospel we share it in any way that we can, that one duty of being a Latter Day Saint is missionary work, and that missionary work is one of the most amazing things that you can do, for the worth of souls is great in the sight of god. and then elder groberg, he is the man that the movie The Other Side Of Heaven is based off of. And he taught about the importance of bearing testimony, and that no matter where we are we should bear testimony. we bear testimony by how we speak, we bear testimony by how we act, and we bear testimony by how we treat our fellow man. and when we bear testimony like that, it isn't normal, and people will see the difference in our countenances and want to know why we are so happy, and so peaceful. I love the devotionals here, i dont learn much from the speakers, but when i intently listen to the spirit during meetings is when i am taught the most.