Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Negativity Is Turned To Positivity....

June 22, 2015

hey momma!
yeah hump day happened for me, im glad that I am at peace with all of it, I didn't do anything really special, I did burn a shirt and that was pretty eventful but you will have to wait and see the video of what happened to me while it was burning, its pretty funny and honestly something that you should expect to happen to me. Through the savior, every bit of negativity is turned into positivity, trials become blessings, and opposition becomes stepping stones to exaltation with our father. its so amazing. I am so thankful for the time that I have had here in Poland, and I am so grateful that I am able to spend another year here, it makes me so happy. So this week, we as a district went out to a town outside of Katowice called Mysłowice, it is a town that our Branch President felt that we needed to focus on. So over the last week or so, we have been trying to spend as much time as possible in that city, getting a feel for it, and just discovering how it feels to do missionary work there. So far we have had some cool things happen to us, namely something that happened just a few days ago on Saturday. We were trying to find some places to tract that were kind of out of the normal way, and during the week we found some neighborhoods with some little houses which we thought would be perfect for tracting. So on Saturday we began to tract, and we didn't really get any response from anyone, people seemed to be tired or they just didn't answer the doors or something like that. Nevertheless we pushed on, and we had about 30 or so minutes left before we had to go home, and we talked to a lady who was standing outside her house in her yard. We said that we were sharing a message, and asked to come in. She welcomed us in, and we saw her husband and their three children. The kids were playing and making noise as kids do, and the husband was watching some TV. They turned the TV off and we began to talk to them about the Restoration, answering the common questions people ask us. The lesson lasted for about 30 minutes, we testified of Christ, of families, and of anything else we could. They willingly accepted a Book of Mormon, and told us to come by anytime to talk more about our Church. 

elder summers 

hey dad!
my week was so good, so very good, its weird though, I feel like I just got here, and I do not care how cliché that sounds, its true, I still feel like a noob out here, so this next year will be pretty interesting honestly. we will see how it goes right? you guys only get little updates weekly, but that is why I have been writing a journal daily, so when I get home you will be able to re-live my mission in my shoes, I cant wait for that, and at the same time I know that my work here is not done at all, I still have a lives to change, and people to touch, and every day I am getting better and better at doing that, every day I wake up happy I am in Poland. I love it so much here! My 3rd quarter is starting, and the final push is beginning, and I will come out victorious because I am on the team that is going to win, so I will contribute all that I can to that effort, and when that 4th quarter begins, craziness is going to happen! I cant wait, yet I can, its weird, I don't know, anyway, all I know is that I love it here, and I thank you for your prayers and support, I love you dad.


Elder Summers

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