Monday, October 27, 2014

I Really Couldn't Be Happier Here....

hey dad!
the house thing will work out, just the fact that you feel happy there is a testimony enough to let you know that you are doing the right things, so you will be fine no matter what. everything is so awesome for me right now, and its just getting better and better. i am getting the language but i have so much to learn it makes my head hurt just thinking about it. but i have a long time here, and i know that i will learn it slowly but surely. first, we taught a lesson to a man named thomas, who is from korea and doesnt speak polish, but he does speak english, so my companion and i taught him in english about the plan of salvation, and it was so cool. we bore testimony, he asked some really good questions, and we were able to answer all of them with the spirit. he is a very intelligent man, and loves reading the book of mormon, he is through 1 nephi and got a little confused during lehi's vision, so we talked about that and cleared up all the confusion that he had. it was really good, really spiritual and just a good lesson. the lord truly helps us all in our lives, and i think that most of the time we dont notice it until afterward when we are thinking about the experience, because during this lesson thoughts were coming to my mind that had never come before, different things and different ways to explain things, that now i couldnt explain again. when we live righteously, and fulfill all we can do, the lord supports us, in such a quiet way that we dont even know that it happened until afterward. second, yesterday we contacted down a street named Piotrowska, it is this huge street in the middle of łódź, and there i contacted with a trainee, who had been in the country for 5 days, and it was exactly what i needed. i had been feeling a little scared that i wasnt progressing in the language of polish, until i contacted with the trainee. we, together, were able to stop and talk to people, teach people, and we were able to speak together in unity, it was perfect and exactly what i needed to have happen to give me some more confidence. sometimes i know the lord gives us experiences just to let us know that we are okay, a feeling of peace, or an experience like i had, in his own way, he lets us know that everything will be fine, he loves us, he is with us when we choose to be with him, and he will never leave or abandon us.  

hey momma!
yeah on p-day we can play settlers of catan, we can pretty much playany board game i think, and usually on p-day we kinda just walk around the town, maybe go to a restaurant to eat, and just kinda experience the city a little bit more, without contacting people and trying to get them to listen to our message. yes we do our own laundry, and yes i am doing laundry just fine, but there aren't any dryers in this country, so we all have fans and drying racks in the apartments. so how to say łódź, it is just like this (woo-j) the ł is a w sound, the ó is an oo like in cool, and the dź is a letter combination that makes a j sound. my companion has polish ancestors but he was born in the states and raised there, he grew up in arizona. maybe dad wants a big house like for the same reason that bishop gray wanted a big one, so his family could come over and come back eventually haha. im glad that all is well, smitty is happy, you are all happy, and im happy, i really couldnt be happier here. 

elder summers

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